
Compliance and corporate governance

Informance GmbH operates under the premise: zero tolerance for corruption, violations of competition and other violations of applicable law.

Compliance provides the framework for all our activities. Read more about topics such as corporate governance and avoiding conflicts of interest at Informance GmbH.

As a successful technology company, Informance GmbH bears a great deal of responsibility towards customers, employees and the location. Our actions are subject to clear ethical rules and follow fixed compliance principles.


Equal opportunity

Informance GmbH relies on equal opportunities, regardless of origin, gender, age, religion or life situation. Equal treatment in terms of promotion opportunities and remuneration has been practiced in the company across all company levels and in all subsidiaries for years.

In our company, equal opportunities and respect apply to all employees and partners to the same extent, regardless of origin, skin color, gender, religion, or any physical impairment.

This corresponds to the culture and the self-image of Informance. Internationality and diversity in the workforce is seen as an enrichment in the company, and these aspects also help to increase performance with regard to further internationalization.

Our goal is to raise awareness throughout the company of the potential that lies in the diversity of life and work experiences, perspectives and values.


Diversity and Inclusion

At Informance, we want to make a positive contribution and thus promote economic growth and social progress. For this reason, we rely on diverse and inclusive teams. Talent has nothing to do with a person's culture, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, generation and experience. We are convinced of this and are therefore committed to a working atmosphere in which every employee can develop freely and feel a sense of belonging.



Participation enriches us

Good ideas arise everywhere in our company. Therefore, we promote a culture in which all things can be addressed openly and ideas can also be implemented. We want everyone to feel welcome, accepted, respected and supported. We expect our Teamleads to form inclusive teams where people with different skillsets, ways of working and approaches can thrive and innovate. Our managers give their teams the tools they need to perform at their best for our customers. And we believe that each of us should receive constructive feedback so that we can achieve our professional goals and be successful.

Not a status, but a process

Striving for a diverse, inclusive company is an ongoing process. With each new policy, practice or program, we get closer to our goals.